I’m Catherine Boyle
Christian Public Speaker, Author and Doer.
But I’m also a spiritual pioneer. And you can be too.
Writing and Speaking
I’ve written and spoken to audiences large and small across the US, on topics ranging from mental health ministry, eating disorder, living a Christ-centered lifestyle and special needs parenting. I’d love to be your next event speaker!
Ministry Consulting
Currently I serve as Mental Health Ministry Director for Key Ministry, as well as Social Media Manager and Executive Editor of our two blogs, Church4EveryChild and Special Needs Parenting.
Is God Waiting for You to Make the Next Move?
God has a purpose for your pain.
I had to wrestle with God to find the purpose for my pain. And I can help you find the purpose in yours.
Not everyone is willing to do this. But people like you and me are spiritual pioneers, forging a path of purpose that others will follow.
Together, we can build your story into a testimony and ministry for the glory of God.
Turn your experiences into your story.
Brokenness is a mandatory qualifier for ministry. Brokenness allows the Holy Spirit to work in the places where God needs to conform you to Christ.
Comfort with the comfort you've received from God.
When you are able to help another person with a similar experience in a small, private way, you’re ready to begin ministry in public. You’re not ready until you can talk about your own wounds and let yourself be available to help another person.
Turn your story and your comfort into your vision and mission.
God usually provides whatever you need to get started. Whether it’s a prayer partner, a church where you can serve or an unmet community need that your skills and connections can fill, open your eyes. He’s already laid your current mission before you.
Create your own unique brand.
Understand what God has done for you and what He is currently doing through you. Be able to simply state who your ministry is for, and why you are working in this space. Be honest; if you desire to be in ministry for recognition, praise or other rewards, you’re not ready for ministry.
Write and speak of all the little stories that make up the big story of your life.
Start documenting what God has done in your life. Have you experienced something miraculous? Write it down. Have you seen answered prayers? Write them down. Have you changed your actions because of time spent in His Word? Write this down. There is a story there, connecting all the dots in your relationship with Christ.
Premium Content
Word of the Week
Insights on Mental Health and Autism
What’s so funny about this kitten?
Penny Pinching
My fortune cookie said, “You will make money and hold onto it.”
The Gift from Your Pain
These Three No Longer Remain
About Me
I was born and raised in Roanoke, Virginia – in the country. Growing up in the country, one of my favorite places to retreat was the cow pasture behind my house. These quiet moments led me on a journey to discover the grandeur of God and began my lifelong love of the written word.
Faced with the need for a stable income and predictable career, I chose to pursue a path in business rather than writing. I earned an undergraduate degree in accounting, and later an MBA. After graduating from college, I spent the next 15 years in increasingly responsible positions, 13 of which were in banking. I managed to squeeze writing into most of my jobs, though authoring policies and procedures manuals were not exactly what I had envisioned in childhood.
Through many ups and downs, God held me tightly in His grip. In my late 20’s, I chose to follow Him with my all, and began discovering the incredible depth and richness of His Word.
I have known Catherine Boyle for about 25 years. I first heard her amazing testimony of her struggle with eating disorder and her journey to a surrendered life in Christ at a women’s retreat about 5 years after meeting her. It touched my heart to hear her talk about her struggle so honestly and how she had allowed God to turn her hurt and pain into ministry.
It was because of this testimony that I recommended her in 2016 as a speaker for the women’s retreat in our present church. Our women had chosen the theme “Beauty from Ashes.” Catherine was very easy to work with in planning all the parts of this retreat. She wanted to allow women to have time to have discussion in small groups and with her individually if they so desired.
Catherine shared her personal struggles in marriage, parenting, and professionally. She wove scripture throughout her talks and emphasized that dark times do not have to define us. Through her experiences, we were challenged to see how God uses suffering and difficult times. I know of one woman who came to the conference with a heavy burden—perhaps even suicidal. She later told me that Catherine agreed to meet with her privately the next day. Catherine went out of her way to do this as it was far from the conference venue. The woman expressed much appreciation for Catherine’s good listening and compassion.
Catherine’s walk with the Lord is deep and committed. She has such varied experiences that women see her as “real” and can identify with her challenges. She would be an asset in any role in women’s ministry.
Professional Services

Startup Coaching
You have a lot to give the world. Sometimes you need a partner to help you get started.

Brand Development
Who are you? What is your life message? I can help you answer these questions and develop your brand.

Co-Authoring Services
Some of the best stories are lived by you, but told by others. I can help you package your story into a compelling narrative.

Event Speaker
A lot goes into planning a retreat or ministry conference. I’ll work with your team to develop the message that meets the needs of your audience.