You’ve probably been thinking about what God has been stirring in your heart for a long time. Maybe you’ve been part of a miracle, or two or three or a whole bunch. Maybe you love God’s Word and jump at the chance to be in Bible study or to teach. Maybe you’re in one career but feel the pull towards doing work of eternal significance.

I understand what you’re thinking, that fear of the unknown. Before my current work with Key Ministry as Mental Health Ministry director, before any of the writing or speaking or other ministries, I worked in banking. Before that, I worked in state government, was assistant manager at a women’s clothing store, worked at a sewing store, tutored, and was even a janitor. 

Getting started in ministry for me was one part God, one part hard work. But like me, God has poured something unique into you, in the mix of all your experiences, gifts, difficulties and victories. At times, it probably feels like you’re a pioneer, forging a new path. I’ve been there, too. In the past fifteen years I’ve helped launch a ministry startup, served and led on many different types of ministry teams, did extensive research for a biblically-based book on eating disorder, published and taught my own authored material, contributed to other books and ministries and followed God’s leading to some pretty unbelievable places. Not one of those experiences had a template to follow. I used to have ‘Spiritual Pioneer’ printed on my business card.

My professional resume since college is available on my Linked In page. And my ministry background is outlined on the Professional Services – Speaking page of my website. In addition to what’s detailed, I’ve shepherded and advised many young adults, in eating disorder and other ministry. I regularly teach Bible study, whether in small groups in my home or on Sunday mornings in my church. I invite you to view one of my presentations, on Mother’s Day 2013 at my church in Virginia, either on my YouTube channel or the Professional Services – Speaking page.

Personally, I’ve lived with and been impacted by mental illness my entire life, from my own experience with anorexia, bulimia, depression and anxiety, as well as mental illness in family members. Growing up, there were chronic illnesses such as epilepsy, allergies and asthma in my family. I understand the pressures families face struggling to make ends meet, stay physically and emotionally healthy, and create a meaningful life, all at the same time. With high functioning autism in my family, I also know first-hand the difficulties that neurological differences make in individual lives and how this can impact a family. Mental illness and neurological differences often masquerade as conflict in relationships. I know about this first-hand as well.

All this to say, I have a lot of life experience and ministry experience to draw from, to help you with your desire to pour out what God has poured into you. While it might sound clever to describe yourself as a pioneer, I’d love to help you find a direct route to the calling God has placed on your life. Here are some of the ways I can help:

Startup Coaching

Sometimes a second set of eyes helps you see the patterns and opportunities that God has placed before you. Sometimes you need someone who has gone before you to encourage you in the path you are pursuing. Sometimes you need someone to encourage you to step up to the challenge of being honest and vulnerable before God and before others. If this sounds like something that could benefit you and help jump-start your ministry, then I invite you to become a Patreon subscriber.

For those who seek guidance with ministry startup coaching and brand development, the Coaching and Branding package lets you schedule one hour each month with me one-on-one by video conference. In addition, this package provides you an additional one hour each month of review and critique of any of your written work. You can sign up for just one month, cancel at any time, or keep a recurring monthly subscription.

Brand Development

You’ve shared your story, you’re leading a Bible study or you’re starting to create content online. People are responding; lives are being changed. Only trouble is, you’re not sure which way to go next.

The Coaching and Branding package is for the person who is ready to take the next step into creating a unique ministry. Here are some of the ways I can help you take the next step with Brand Development:

  • pull out the key elements of your testimony into a compelling theme and overall message for your ministry;
  • based on your experiences and interests, assist with development of a roster of presentations;
  • provide guidance about your online presence and where to focus for platform depth;
  • provide practical tips and guidance for establishing and managing your ministry as a small business.

The Coaching and Branding package lets you schedule one hour each month with me one-on-one by video conference. For Branding clients, this package provides you an additional one hour each month of written review and guidance for your ministry development. You can sign up for just one month, cancel at any time, or keep a recurring monthly subscription.

Co-Authoring Services

I love the written word. As a child and young teen there were times when I was so enthralled with a newly learned word that I repeated it over and over, sometimes aloud, sometimes in my head, until the sound disconnected from all meaning. The sound, vibrato, rhythm and mellifluous tumble of consonants mixed with vowels has often been captivating.

I’ve been a writer my whole life, from

Seven years ago, the day after my last day working for an eating disorder ministry, I was contacted by a stranger about potentially co-authoring a book. A month later, another stranger was referred to me for advice about editing and packaging a book detailing her extraordinary life experiences.

I’ve also had the privilege of honing my writing skills as an editor, for my own work, but also for others, now in an official capacity as Executive Blog Editor for Key Ministry. In this current role, I carefully shape and pare anything that detracts from the intent and message of each writer, while carefully preserving the voice of the author.

Interested? I would be honored to partner with you. Let’s have a conversation to get to know each other and see if God would have us partner together on your project.

Please note: co-authoring services are contracted based on the project requirements.

Event Speaker

To see video samples of my presentations and interviews and a summary resume of events where I have been invited to be a media guest or event speaker, please visit the Professional Services – Speaking page.