It’s Friday. My brain is tired, and I bet yours is too.

For your viewing and welcome-to-the-weekend pleasure, I offer you two of my latest humorous finds:

Today’s Example #1 is an actual product available at a local drug store. I love my kids, and in their younger years, I worked hard to keep them snot-free. But this is a step too far, in my humble but accurate opinion.

Example #2 – Right around the corner from my house, road construction is underway on a street that functions as a shortcut from my neighborhood to a local highway. Several weeks ago, this grill mysteriously appeared at this vacant lot.

I have so many questions: did the construction workers feel the need for fresh grilled food during their lunch break? It’s worth noting that there are half a dozen restaurants, several gas stations, convenience stores and a grocery store within half a mile of this location.

Did aliens land and need some fresh food? Being aliens, their physical differences would have been too noticeable to enter any of the aforementioned eating establishments. Was this their grill, or did they procure one from an unsuspecting neighbor or local store?

Was someone confused about where to store their grill, or was it broken, and moving the grill here was an attempt to have it stolen?

On second thought, these funnies make my brain even more tired! Time for a nap!

Feel free to share any funnies you’ve encountered this week. Rest well and worship the Lord this weekend!

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