Word of the Week: Rejoice

Word of the Week: Rejoice

Rejoice:  To be glad, to take delight in. “Rejoice” is one of those words that has a biblical ring to it; it’s not a word often used in everyday speech. Perhaps it is an important word, this little word with both physical expression and spiritual aroma. I can sing...
Warning – Cat Post

Warning – Cat Post

I know not all of you are cat fans. I get it. The way you feel about your dog? That’s the way I feel about my cat. So here are a few photos I think are kind of funny and adorable. Hope you enjoy! Press-on nails for cats. It’s kind of sad that my cat has a...
Life Lessons From My Favorite Funny Movie

Life Lessons From My Favorite Funny Movie

Do you love The Princess Bride? Every member of my family can recite almost every line from the movie. Yep, we’re Princess Bride superfans. I came across this image in my social media feed recently. How appropriate that Inigo Montoya should provide a model for...
These Three No Longer Remain

These Three No Longer Remain

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV For many years, I regularly shared my salvation testimony as a speaker for Stonecroft Ministries. As part of Stonecroft’s on-boarding process and graduating...