Rejoice:  To be glad, to take delight in. “Rejoice” is one of those words that has a biblical ring to it; it’s not a word often used in everyday speech.

Perhaps it is an important word, this little word with both physical expression and spiritual aroma. I can sing deeply meaningful songs in church, cheer excitedly when my team wins, or cry tears because I am moved with happiness. In each of these, there is the action and emotion “rejoice.”

Today I’m rejoicing because both of my kids are back at college. This is one part joy for them, one part joy for me and my husband.

Both of our kids are thriving in their environments. Both were excited to get back to school, to get going with a new semester.

I’m a wordy girl, but I can barely express how deeply I am moved by God’s grace, to bring us to this place of rejoicing. After several years far more difficult for each of them than anything we would have anticipated even five years ago, both of them have landed in a lovely place. We know that sunshine and flowers are not the only things ahead for them, but today––just today––we rejoice with them that we can celebrate the goodness of God in the land of the living. And after all, “today” is all we are promised, the only time we have to work, to play, to love, to worship.

My heart stands in awe of Thy words. I rejoice at thy word, as one who finds great spoil. Psalm 119:161b – 162

Today, I pray you find great spoil in your relationship with Him and in His Word.

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