I have been overwhelmed with the burden I feel for this nation and the upcoming election. I know people all over the political spectrum, and many of them claim to be Christian. Reality is that most of us are not that far apart in what we want for our families and our nation, no matter how we vote.

I won’t entertain any political comments – all will be deleted. What this nation needs perhaps more than ever before – in a time of peaceful protests, significant looting, destruction and murderous violence, significant progress on veteran’s issues, COVID-19, significant progress on mental health work at the federal level, crushing unemployment, the best of our nation rushing in to help those whose lives were destroyed in California wildfires and last week’s hurricane, unspeakable crimes against children and also human trafficking rings broken and scores of children set free – is fervent personal repentance and fervent personal and corporate prayer.

I’ll be following this guideline, which is a combination of different prayers I found, as noted in the Sources section at the end, and also my own contributions. If your church isn’t starting prayer for this season, feel free to share this with those who will begin praying this week. There are many prayer initiatives already underway or that will be launching in September; here are a few you may consider following: https://thereturn.org/, https://www.reviveourhearts.com/articles/how-pray-upcoming-election/, https://ifapray.org/.

I strongly urge you to fast for this nation and world as well. Righteous fasting accomplishes much in the heavenly realm. Nothing of eternal consequence is ever achieved on earth unless someone has been storming the gates of Heaven with persistence and urgency, and fasting is one of the keys God has given us to get His attention. When we are serious with dealing with our personal sin, He listens and responds. When we are serious about the grave needs of our families and our nation, to the point where we undertake such a harsh discipline to focus on seeking and finding His will from His Word and His response to our prayers, it moves His heart, and His hands.

Time spent in prayer is never wasted. If you’re not sure what prayer accomplishes, document what You pray – and document what You see happen. God promises to reveal hidden things to those who seek Him with an undivided heart, and these treasures are gifts for us and our families forever.

Please pray. Our nation depends on faithful Christ-followers to go before the spiritual battle of our time, before it becomes more of a physical battle than it already has. And after you pray, follow up with righteous actions, doing the hardest work of being a peacemaker, balancing justice and mercy, truth and grace.

*Photo credit: Fa Barboza on Unsplash.com.

Prayers for a – Church/Christians, b – Pastors, c – Elections, d – Other Leaders (in this order for every day).


  1. a – For a stronger backbone in the church: For pastors in the pulpit. Pray for unity in pastors’ families.

          b – Election: For candidates be open and honest about their views and intentions during the election campaign.

          c –  Pray that God will raise up godly elected leaders at every level in government: local, state, federal.

          d – Please equip our pastors to preach and teach the full gospel of Christ, including prophecy, persecution and trusting in God during difficult times.

2.  For a stronger backbone in the church: For leaders in the church. Pray for unity in their families.

For Christian candidates not to compromise on key moral issues in an attempt to win votes.

Pray that God will raise up godly people to work at all levels of government in non-elected positions: local, state, federal.

Please help pastors and those they serve be united in Christ, about the importance of seeking God whole-heartedly and obeying His commands.

3.  For a stronger backbone in the church: For Believers in the community. Pray for unity in their families.

For people who will speak up for the importance of family and morality in our nation to be elected.

Pray that God will help our leaders end unjust laws and governing procedures.

Pray that pastors will courageously challenge Christians will sincerely repent of secret sins that hinder their relationship with Christ, and with each other.

4.  For a stronger backbone in the church: For adults in their homes. Pray for unity in their marriages and with their children.

For God to expose the true nature of candidates at every level who would be a negative influence in our government.

Pray that our leaders will tackle difficult problems now, rather than create short-term solutions that make long-term problems worse.

Pray that pastors and church leaders will provide godly information for to equip families children who are now doing homeschool will learn to follow Christ with wholehearted devotion.

5.  For a stronger backbone in the church: For Teens with their peers. Pray for unity with godly parents and friends.

For party policies and plans to be honest and clear.

Lead pastors and their leadership teams to see and serve the needs of others right around them as a witness for Christ.

Pray that our leaders will solve difficult problems with godly solutions, even if they are not believers.

6.  For a stronger backbone in the church: For children with their friends. Pray for unity with godly parents and friends.

For the financial costs of policies to be honest and clear.

Pray that our leaders will be fair and equitable in their dealings with all people.

Pray that pastors will be open with church leadership about their

mental health needs, and that churches will support and not

hinder pastors getting the help that they need.

7.  For a stronger backbone in the church: For our voices to be raised. Pray that we speak as one voice, following the commands of Christ.

For campaigning to be conducted with respect and integrity.

Pray for your pastor’s family: God’s peace and protection,  growing love relationship between pastor and spouse, a commitment to quality and quantity time together.

Pray that our leaders will resist temptation to personally enrich themselves rather than serve those they govern.

8.  For a stronger backbone in the church: For deep-seated convictions. Pray that we peacefully speak as one voice, following the commands of Christ.

For journalists to report fairly and evenly on both parties, and to hold both parties and politicians to account for their claims.

Pray for wisdom for your pastor: The mind of Christ, Godly decision-making, Understanding of biblical truth.

Pray that our leaders will judge honestly, in accordance with our laws, when disputes arise or crimes are committed.

9.  For a stronger backbone in the church: For lack of fear in living out our faith publicly. Pray that we speak as one voice, following the commands of Christ.

For hidden sin and corruption in our nation and world to be brought forth and revealed so all people can respond with their vote.

Pray for the ministry focus of your pastor: Clear vision, Commitment to biblical priorities, Remaining true to his or her God-given gifts and strengths.

Pray that our leaders will limit their governance to the role they play: in other words, judges rule based on current law, not political desire.

10.  For a stronger backbone in the church: For absolute courage in our witnessing. Pray that we speak as one voice, following the commands of Christ.

For Christian freedoms and morality to be discussed and promoted, not torn down.

Pray for the health of your pastor: Protection of body and mind, an extra portion of stamina and strength, and commitment to stress-releasing activities.

Pray that our leaders will rise above petty differences to reach solutions so our communities can be peaceful.

11.  Corruption in the Church To Be Exposed: In the pulpit. Pray for godly unity in church leadership.

For the key televised debates to be clear and insightful about the differences in policies and stances of the major parties and their leaders, and to be conducted with respect.

Pray for spiritual growth of your pastor: A heart for God and the lost, Fresh biblical insights, Personal devotions not related to sermon preparation.

Pray that our leaders will be courageous in sharing their faith as a guiding principle for their lives and will live without hypocrisy.

12.  Corruption in the Church To Be Exposed: In the board room of the church. Pray for godly unity in church leadership and among pastoral leaders.

For Christian voices to be heard during the campaign.

Pray for the purity of your pastor: Pure motives, Pure thought-life and faithfulness to spouse, Pure commitment to complete integrity.

Pray for physical and spiritual protection for leaders and their families.

13.  Corruption in the Church To Be Exposed: In the pews. Pray for godly unity in church leadership and among pastoral leaders.

For Christians to have the boldness to challenge the candidates on moral issues.

Pray for God’s anointing on your pastor: Strength in leadership, Passion in preaching, and fruit and joy in ministry.

Pray that leaders will not hinder the work of the Church, because the Church meets many needs for people who are poor and have many practical needs.

14.  Corruption in the Church To Be Exposed: In the lives of all adults who claim to be Christian. Pray for godly unity in church leadership and among people who claim to be Christian to follow Christ above all else.

For churches to raise issues of Christian freedoms and increasing restrictions on morality and religious practice.

Pray for pastors to have extraordinary wisdom to discern good and evil, right from wrong in themselves, their family members, and their church body.

Pray that leaders will have keen insight into the hearts of those they are called to serve, so that they can work towards true solutions for problems.

15.  Corruption in the Church To Be Exposed: In the lives of our teens and young adults. Pray for godly unity in church leadership and among people who claim to be Christian to follow Christ above all else.

For Christians to contact their candidates to challenge them on key issues.

Pray that leaders will be unwilling to compromise on issues of integrity in themselves and in how they serve.

Pray for pastors to communicate in such a way that the message God has given them will not be hindered, and will be taken in by those who hear and acted upon as God desires.

16.  Corruption in the Church To Be Exposed: In our theology. Pray for godly unity in church leadership, and wise discernment and application of Christ’s commands in his Word.

For Christians to have clarity on who the best candidate to vote for is, in every race, at every level.

Pray that God creates a deep desire in our leaders to live and govern in a way that is above reproach.

Pray for pastors’ families, that they will be in unity with one another, and each will be growing spiritually in Christ.

17.  Corruption in the Church To Be Exposed: In the private lives of Christians. Pray for godly unity in church leadership and among people who claim to be Christian to follow Christ above all else.

For Christians to show love and respect to those who do not share the same political views.

Pray that leaders will speak and act truthfully, not twisting facts or information to suit a specific political end.

Pray for pastors, for a hedge of God’s spiritual protection to surround them from physical, spiritual and mental attacks.

18.  Corruption in the Church To Be Exposed: In our Christian organizations. Pray for godly unity in church leadership and among people who claim to be Christian to follow Christ above all else.

For Christians to place our hope not in politicians but in Jesus Christ alone, and to be unashamed of his gospel and Christian values and morality.

Pray that leaders will courageously speak out against injustice and wrongdoing, even if it is from people in their own party.

Pray for pastors’ marriages, to be strong and united in Christ.

19.  Corruption in the Church To Be Exposed: In our thinking and attitudes. Pray for godly unity in church leadership and among people who claim to be Christian to follow Christ above all else.

For a clear, quick presidential election result that the nation will respect and accept.

Pray that leaders will listen more than they speak.

Pray for pastors to sift through the various messages and media that they see to understand what God is saying to them, and in turn to say to the churches they oversee.

20.  Corruption in the Church To Be Exposed: In our public behavior. Pray for godly unity in church leadership, and wise discernment and application of Christ’s commands in his Word.

For instances of attempted electoral fraud to be caught and prevented, that nothing hinders proper voting or ballot counts.

Pray for leaders who have turned their backs on You and the Lord Jesus Christ, Whom You sent to die for their sins. Be merciful to all those in positions of power who are seeking to implement a humanistic and anti-god agenda. Be merciful to those men and women in high places that are seeking to remove all vestiges of Christianity and the One true God from their nation’s laws and rules. Have mercy on the leaders who have deliberately rejected Your path of truth and justice, and bring them to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pray for pastors to rest each week, to get a physical, mental and spiritual respite.

21.  For A Great Harvest in the days to come: An anointing in the pulpits that reaches the lost. Pray for godly unity in church leadership, and wise discernment and application of Christ’s commands in his Word. Pray for godly unity in church leadership and among people who claim to be Christian to follow Christ above all else.

For people of integrity to be elected.

Pray that leaders will have the ability to cast a true, righteous vision for the future of this nation.

Pray for pastors to desire and seek to grow the spiritual gifts they are lacking, especially the gift of prophecy (speaking to the needs of the time with supernatural wisdom).

22.  For A Great Harvest in the days to come: For our churches to work in unity to reach our communities. Pray for godly unity among church leaders of different local churches and among people who claim to be Christian to follow Christ above all else, so that many people will be saved.

For the election of candidates who will champion Christian freedoms and morality.

Pray that leaders will not hide from the truth, but will communicate so that the message of truth is heard, received and acted upon properly.

Pray for pastors to plainly demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit for all to see.

23.  For A Great Harvest in the days to come: For discipleship to be at the heart of our soul-winning. Pray for godly unity among church leaders of different churches and among people who claim to be Christian to follow Christ above all else, so that many people will be saved.

For people with integrity who will uphold morality to get positions in the new administration.

Pray that leaders of this nation to understand that in some regards, they lead spiritually, not just legislatively. Help them see how important it is for personal repentance and public humility before God and the people they serve.

Pray for pastors to have a love for even the people who persecute them, and the ability to forgive, even when apologies never come.

24.  For A Great Harvest in the days to come: For the people we work with to find Christ through our example. Pray for godly unity among church leaders of different local churches and among people who claim to be Christian to follow Christ above all else, so that many people will be saved.

For the new government to have integrity and to honor its election pledges.

Pray that leaders will humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, and seek God’s face and will for this nation. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Pray for pastors to use the sword of the Spirit to go before those they serve to help spiritually make the way straight.

25.  For A Great Harvest in the days to come: For a greater desire to pray to see the harvest. Pray for godly unity among church leaders of different local churches and many local individuals stepping up to serve in the name of Christ.

For the new government to uphold moral values across the nation and in our dealings with other nations.

Pray that leaders will not fear those who could harm the body, but rather fear God. 2 Timothy 1:7.

Pray for pastors to trust God for provision for their material needs, even when they and their churches have financial struggles. Help them model faithfulness for their church.

26.  For A Great Harvest in the days to come: For the spiritual disciplines to be seen in our example. Pray for people to engage in righteous fasting to bring God’s will (Isaiah 58).

For God to have mercy on a nation that has turned away from the Lord and His ways, and political will to return to following Christ and the Bible.

Pray that leaders will seek National Repentance, Deliverance And Truth. I pray that You would set up godly men and women in positions of leadership and power in our own nation and in all the nations who exercise authority in our world today. Give them boldness to challenge those who want to to remove the principles of freedom and tolerance and establish the flawed principles that come from human wisdom.

Lord, I pray that You would guide the leaders of many nations to repent of their sins and turn to the path of peace that only comes from You. Help them to understand that the only peace that will ever be established on earth will be under the rule of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, after Your wrath has been poured out on a Christ rejecting sinful world. Have mercy Lord. Have mercy on all the leaders of nations who do not know You. I pray that many will be saved by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray.

Pray for pastors to take care of their physical health, and give them supernatural stamina for the work they have to do in this season.

27.  For A Great Harvest in the days to come: For the message of the gospel to reach into every community in the United States of America. Pray for many local individuals stepping up to serve in the name of Christ.

For peace and healing to our divided nation, no matter what the election outcome will be.

Pray that leaders will persevere in righteousness. Pray that God will thwart efforts by local, state or federal leaders to restrict or harm people who are righteous.

Pray for pastors to courageously speak against evil. Give them words of knowledge for revelation and how to communicate to their people.

28.  For A Great Harvest in the days to come: For every church to agree to reach the lost. Pray for godly unity among church leaders of different local churches so that many people will come to know Christ.

For the nation to return to the Lord and to honor/follow His ways.

Pray for our leaders: Father, we thank and praise You for the many blessings You have bestowed on our nation, blessings that we don’t deserve but which You have showered on us in Your grace and mercy. But Father, we know that our country seems to have lost its way and our government seems to be spiraling out of control, and we have no one to look to but You. We pray, that You would look down on our country with pity and great mercy, and we pray that our government would be convicted of their need to turn once again to You for wisdom to govern this once great nation in a way that is honoring to Your name.

We pray for each of our leaders and lift them up to You, praying that they would look to You both individually and collectively, so that our nation may be governed according to Your plans and purposes. But if as a nation we are to face Your displeasure because we have turned from Your statues and disobeyed Your laws, we pray that You would be merciful, and we ask that in Your grace many of our leaders would to cry to You for salvation and help. This we ask for the sake of our Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Pray for pastors to fast from anything that would distract them from the mission of the Church in this time.

29.  For A Great Harvest in the days to come: For the heart of every believer to be for the lost to find Jesus. Pray for godly unity among church leaders of different local churches so that many people will come to know Christ.

For God’s purposes to be accomplished through the election campaign.

Pray that leaders that they will listen to the Holy Spirit and courageously follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance, even if it costs them politically.

Pray for pastors to be laboring in prayer for the souls of men and the soul of America in this season.

30. For A Great Harvest in the days to come: Praise God for what He has done through September. Pray for godly people to do their civic duty and vote, understanding the gravity of this hour.

For the candidates that God truly wants to be in office to be elected, and that all people in our nation will accept the outcome.

Pray that leaders will be elected in November who are the people God wants in office, that nothing will hinder these men and women from prevailing.

Pray for pastors to lead with humility and repentance for their own sins, before God and men.

Source Material and Resources List

Source for Churches/Christians and select prayers for pastors: Pastor Dana Coverstone, KY









