Preparing to speak at my church on Mother’s Day, and I found this forgotten gem from my daughter.  She penned this timeless poem four years ago, in her pre-teen years.  Clearly she thinks differently of me now.  I added NOTHING to this poem.


My mother is sweet, my mother is kind,
She loves me all day, when the clock chimes nine.
My mother is caring, my mother is sweet,
She always offers the best things to eat.
My mother is loving, cheerful and kind,
and always tucks me in, even at half past nine.
My mother loves me because she’s my mom,
She will still love me if I kill her with a bomb (on purpose)
If I have an ache and say please,
She prays and always gets on her knees
If you have noticed, know that Mom loves you.
You should love her all the days through.

Kids.  Brought them into this world, but you can’t take them out.  Even if they want to take you out, with a bomb no less, and on purpose.  In case there is any mistaking the intention of the 9 yr-old girl with a bomb.

I hope your funny bone is tickled

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