In 2002, at a women’s event at my church, the Holy Spirit told me I was going to do something huge.
I knew the voice of His Spirit, from way before that time. I’m sitting there, listening to the woman who was Corrie Ten Boom’s last secretary, talking about what she learned from Corrie, what she saw God do through Corrie.
And God told me – me! – I was going to do something huge.

Photo credit: Jef Willemyns on
If you’ve ever had the Holy Spirit reveal something to you, it’s pretty hard to contain it. It’s a thought out of nowhere, suddenly, from deep inside you – it feels like it’s more from the gut or chest than the brain – it’s something that you know you didn’t come up with – but suddenly, it’s there.
At that time, I had recently led the first of two women’s retreat teams at my church. The first retreat was the first time I publicly shared my faith journey with Jesus, and the first time I publicly confessed my sins over years of being angry with God, wanting to do things my own way, not waiting for His timing, trying to fill that place that rightfully belongs to Him – with everything but Him.
So He told me I’m going to do something huge! And about a year after that, He opened a door for me to become a speaker for Stonecroft Ministries. Several people at the first retreat told me I had a speaking ministry, and it resonated with me. This was speaking to a desire of my heart, something that was righteous, not about fame and fortune.
I asked about speaking organizations from one friend, who told me to contact one other mutual friend, who connected me to the regional representative for Stonecroft. The representative invited me to become a speaker.
It was literally that simple. But it was also complex.
Have you noticed that – in Bible stories? God tells someone like Joseph or Abraham or David or the Apostle Paul – you’re going to do something huge! And then they have to go through hell.
Abraham had to lay down the son from God’s promise. Joseph had to suffer as a slave and prisoner. David was chased by a man he LOVED, who was trying to kill him. And the Apostle Paul gave up his entire life – all he held dear – and ended up beaten, abused, imprisoned – but counted the cost worthwhile.
To speak about my faith journey publicly meant having some difficult conversations with family members. Truthfully, everything didn’t go great. It required a whole new level of faith for me. And my intense fears about having some hard conversations for the most part did not materialize. God made them dissolve, like mist.
Years before that Holy Spirit moment in 2002, I began striving to live with integrity, consistent with the heart of God and His ways. I’ve always kept a huge amount of thoughts, pains, fears inside – so to start speaking publicly about some of these very things was at the same time exhilarating, terrifying, a dream come true – and a nightmare come true.
Believe it or not, it’s still really challenging for me to speak everything that’s in my mind and heart – it’s kind of like having too many windows open on your computer, every day inside my head! It’s one part the way God wired me, and another part me stuffing down way too much of my thoughts, feelings, pain. It’s only in the past seven years or so that I’ve been able to accept feelings as something I MUST pay attention to – they’re God’s built in boundary lines for each of us – to help us know what’s acceptable treatment for us or not. This might sound weird to you, but it’s my reality.
So far, God has given me the privilege of doing two huge, mind-blowing things. He allowed me to see that autism had had a huge role in my life – something that 14 different doctors and therapists didn’t see, I might add.
The second thing is also intimate, related to our family. And I’m pretty sure what I’m doing with Key Ministry and writing/speaking now is part of the 3rd.
I will spend all of eternity pondering how intricately God weaves together the details in our lives – doing things that when you see them, they leave you breathless! As they have me.
Here’s my question for you:
Is God asking you to do something? Has He told you that YOU too will do ‘something huge?’
He might ask you to do something you find impossible before you move on to the next big thing. But the impossible can dissolve like mist. I saw that happen. It can happen for you. But first, YOU have to step on into that mist, and trust that He’s going to be there to catch you if you stumble.
May God bless and multiply the work of your hands.
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