My God is a God of purpose. Janet Parshall, Inclusion Fusion Live 2019

No one chooses pain—not physical pain, certainly not emotional pain. Pain stinks.

But pain is often the start and very path itself to God’s purpose. Do you believe that?

Once upon a time, I most definitely did not. I thought certain limitations, people and weaknesses in my life were more like another “p” word––punishment. But God says if I am really His follower, that He will work all things––even the painful things––into my good and His glory. God says He will redeem all my pain, that He catches all my tears. Do I really believe that? And if I do, what do I do next?

Over many years of reflection, I’ve learned that when it comes to God’s work in my life, there are different reasons why He allows me pain. From my perspective, pain has five elements. I choose to call these heavenly aspects of my pain gifts.

God allows pain in my life for:

1. Preparation. Pain steers your life like almost nothing else. When I’ve had an injury or arthritis flare, my pain demands attention. In the midst of everyday activities, pain hovers in the background, like a dark filter over my vision and actions. Some pain in my life has resulted in doctors appointments, medications, rethinking approaches to particular activities—like running—or everyday occurrences—like walking! One day I can do what I normally do, the next day, plans are changed, all because of pain. In all of this, there is preparation for an altered future.

2. Principle. Pain has had a funny way of narrowing my focus to understand a new element of God’s character, or a concept He wants me to pursue more deeply. In the past, He wanted me to focus on obedience through giving and giving up certain material things. The ‘pain’ of giving away our camera was short-lived; we planned to purchase a new one, but He swiftly blessed our obedience instead. In some of the breathtaking miracles in our family life, He has revealed that seeking Him and following His lead ultimately ends in hidden treasures, created just for us to find. I’m pretty sure that finding the hidden treasures He created just for me or for you brings Him great delight, which itself is another principle of His character.

3. Protection. Rejection stinks. Beth Moore said in her Bible study Living Beyond Yourself that rejection colors everything in her life. I can certainly relate to that one. The rejection by people who I thought really cared for me or my family has at times been demoralizing and emotionally devastating. And I’m so glad that my Lord can relate to that as well. After all, He was rejected by family, friends, His community and the religion HE created. They all thought He was crazy until that pesky detail of His resurrection.

But more times than I’ll ever know, God is protecting me in the rejection. I can’t know what only God can see. He doesn’t necessarily want me to get into the details of what He’s doing, only if and until He’s ready to reveal them. More than once, after time has passed, He has allowed me to see that the rejection that led to protection was real and significant. This knowledge about protection has helped me press forward through emotional pain.

4. Provision. Sometimes God says ‘no’ in one area of my life to say ‘yes’ in another. That ‘no’ can cause a lot of pain. But short term pain can truly mean gain, and not just from a fitness routine.

A few years ago, I was off to a great start with the mental health ministry I launched. Suddenly, to quote Lemony Snicket, a series of unfortunate events derailed my plans. More than a year passed before I stepped into anything new in the realm of ministry. I cried many tears of frustration, knowing that God had rerouted my course, not seeing where or if I would have any role in future ministry. Unexpectedly, God opened the door for me to become part of the team at Key Ministry. The work I do now impacts significantly more people for His kingdom than my work with Outside In Ministries.

5. Purpose. There is nothing like realizing that you are walking and living in God’s purpose for your life. I don’t anticipate understanding the whole reason God allowed my life to exist, certainly not before I get to eternity, but knowing that you are fulfilling some of your calling is exhilarating.

So if you are living in pain today, I hope you are encouraged that your pain is part of your purpose. Your pain will be redeemed by God, but it may not be in your lifetime. Can you be okay with that? Can you be okay if your prayers are never answered in the way that you pray? Will you choose to trust Him even when the pain has no end in sight?

In future posts, I’ll focus in more detail about each of the five elements of pain. Feel free to share how you have seen God redeem your pain into part of your purpose.

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