God created us to create. He encourages this in His Word! In 1 Thessalonians 4:11, Paul encourages fellow believers “…to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we have commanded you….”

This may not sound like penny pinching, but if you paint, sew, build, or repair enough, your skills will allow you to save money.

Don’t know how to sew, knit, or paint? Local craft stores, yard sales and thrift stores are all good places to find inexpensive supplies, and often how-to books.

Prefer to watch and learn? Google your interest and you will have a wide variety of video options for learning simple to complex techniques.

Use your time well. I’m so accustomed to doing needlework or reading a book while watching TV or a movie, it feels uncomfortable and wasteful if I’m only doing one but not both. You’ll be amazed how much progress you can make on a knitting project, needlepoint or cross-stitch while watching your favorite television show.

Give your creations as gifts. Who doesn’t love a gift that required time and thought, instead of just money?

Start your own Etsy business. I haven’t done this, but I know many people sell their work. It may not make a lot of money, but you can probably cover the cost of supplies for your creative passion.

To see some of the things we’ve made and are making in our home, follow me on Pinterest!

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