These Three No Longer Remain

These Three No Longer Remain

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV For many years, I regularly shared my salvation testimony as a speaker for Stonecroft Ministries. As part of Stonecroft’s on-boarding process and graduating...
Word of the Week: Lonely

Word of the Week: Lonely

Lonely: affected with or characterized by a depressing feeling of being alone; lonesome. Solitary. Standing apart. Isolated. Strong’s Word #3173 is defined as lonely, but it also means beloved. That meaning must come from the sense of being the only one. You are your...
Baby’s Burp Rag

Baby’s Burp Rag

Baby’s Burp Rag I tossed the burp-rag across the room towards the rocking glider. My nightly custom included this toss from baby bed to the chair where I fed my infant daughter. The burp-rag would be at the ready for any spit-up from my infant daughter. Only...